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Yellowstone is one of the most unusual places on our planet, which is located in the north of the United States and is well known for its picturesque landscapes with amazingly beautiful lakes, rivers, canyons and waterfalls, as well as unearthly landscapes and beauties of wildlife, grazing herds of bison and freely walking wolves and bears. It has the status of a national park and is located in the Yellowstone Caldera with many hot springs and geysers that rise to the surface due to the fact that under them lies the most formidable supervolcano in the world.

Grand Teton National Park, located in Wyoming, is adjacent to the southern border of another popular national park, Yellowstone. They complement each other so much that even a single ticket to both of these parks is sold. But if in Yellowstone the main characters were numerous geysers and thermal springs, then the most interesting thing here is the mountains.

Almost everyone loves to travel, and if you want to keep unforgettable memories, then you've come to the right place.