

One of the most famous US national parks in the world is undoubtedly Yellowstone National Park, located in western Wyoming in the crater of an ancient super volcano. Millions of tourists from all over the world flock here every year.

Yellowstone is one of the most unusual places on our planet, which is located in the north of the United States and is well known for its picturesque landscapes with amazingly beautiful lakes, rivers, canyons and waterfalls, as well as unearthly landscapes and beauties of wildlife, grazing herds of bison and freely walking wolves and bears. It has the status of a national park and is located in the Yellowstone Caldera with many hot springs and geysers that rise to the surface due to the fact that under them lies the most formidable super volcano in the world.



Yellowstone National Park was founded on March 1, 1872 and is the very first national park in the United States and worldwide, as well as a Biosphere Reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It got its name from the Yellowstone River flowing through its territory.ive here.

Why is Yellowstone National Park so attractive?

The first and most surprising thing that attracts millions of tourists to the park every year is about ten thousand active geothermal springs - geysers, hot springs, fumaroles (steam coming out of the ground) and mud volcanoes, which are the result of volcanic activity occurring in the bowels of the earth under the territory of Yellowstone Park ... In general, about half of the geysers of the whole world are concentrated in Yellowstone Park (about 450 out of 970 known on the planet.

Secondly, in Yellowstone National Park there are beautiful mountain landscapes, with high peaks, turbulent rivers flowing along the bottom of the canyons, as well as beautiful full-flowing multi-cascading waterfalls, a large lake and several smaller ones, as well as the picturesque Yellowstone River Canyon, stretching for 30 kilometers in length and reaching a depth of more than 300 meters.

Thirdly, the national park is one of the few places in the United States where huge bison live in their natural habitat, and grizzly bears feel quite at ease in the park. In addition, the park is home to wolves, re-induced into the park in 1995 to control the abundance of bison, as well as many baribal black bears, elk, deer and other smaller animals.


Official name - YELLOWSTONE National Park

Mailing Address: PO Box 168
Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190-0168

Area: 2,219,791 acres

Coordinates: 44°35′47″N 110°32′50″W

Established - March 1, 1872

Attendance - 3,800 000 people per year